Saturday 30 October 2010

losing it!

Well finally, After I lost all my contacts and blogs I was following and it seemed absolutely everything, I have got most of them back now.
What a relief. I had so much to share and now i can get on and share things again, read my sisters blogs and enjoy parts of their lives from this huge distance.
I am looking forward to updating everything with some good pictures too.

Saturday 13 March 2010

My Talented Hubby

I am so glad Don has recovered this well. He actually drove for the first time today, just around the block but he did it!

Whilst he has been 'housebound' he has spent a lot of time painting.He does some watercolours but at the moment its mostly acrylic.

These are a couple of his latest ones. I love the soldier and his dog on active dutyin Afghanistan but equally love the romance of the couple saying goodbye at the old railway station. They are so different but equally fabulous.

I am trying to get him to produce a good number of paintings because I think there is a market for them. He could find somewhere to display them and I bet they would sell.

He is truly talented.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Its all fine

Well my dear hubby has had the operation, all is well. It was keyhole surgery so will recover quicker. I am so glad its over (as I am sure he is too) and he can now set about getting better and looking forward to a good quality of life.

So many lovely messages and cards for him, he is such a popular guy. I do love him.

To add a little humour into the situation, when the physio first came to get him up, she noticed the pack of cards on the side table and enquired if he was playing cards, to which he replied he was a magician. Well that got them chatting and it ended up with her booking him to do the entertainment at her forthcoming wedding.
Now there's not too many people go into hospital for a major operation and come out having secured a well paying job. How Funny!

Once Don is up and around and has had a check up with the surgeon I plan on taking him on a holiday to the sun to recouperate. It will be nice to spend some quality time together and relax, maybe a cruise.

Now the main worry is over, I will relax a little and I plan on taking a morning just for me tomorrow and spending a little time painting before I go visiting him. It will be lovely to relax and lose myself in one of my hobbies which have had little time spent on them recently.

Then it will be on to the plans for when he comes home in a couple of days time, Yippee!

Wednesday 27 January 2010


We are on countdown now to my husbands operation in just 5 short days time.

Its a fairly big op and he will be in hospital for 5 to 7 days.
At first I thought Thank Goodness we have a date for it all to happen, lets get it over and done with and get him back to full health!

Then the doubts set in. I worried about it and then decided the experts know what they are doing, everything will be fine.

Then more doubts set in. I worried a bit more until the hospital appointment this week. That certainly put my mind at rest. The care and kindness shown by all the staff was brilliant. Explanations and questions and answers took a long time but at the end of it we both said we fully understood the operation and the aftercare now.What the long term effects are and how it will help him in the long term. Its like a weight has been lifted!

So with some trepidation I will be on my own next week with hubby in hospital. I rather enjoy my own company for a short time but with him undergoing medical treatment I am sure the week will be endless.I somehow doubt the planned spring clean of the house, even my crafting may be in doubt.

I shall certainly look forward to visiting times and then again look forward to bringing him home again.It will be hard work for a while once he is home but the end is now in site!

So with some trepidation and a few anxieties, the odd tummy churning, I am looking forward to next Monday!

Saturday 23 January 2010

Be Prepared

I have just read my sisters blog and in the light of the recent Haiti disaster she wrote about being prepared for emergencies, tragedies and any other huge event in our lives.

Well it got me thinking.................Yes the Haiti disaster and happenings like this around the world get you thinking but do we actually do anything 'just in case', I think the answer is no! We donate to the disaster fund to try in our own small way to help the poor unfortunate people that are currently suffering. And then we move on into our lives.

We do need to be prepared. We need to ensure we have a few tins of nourishment, soup, beans and the like, a few bottles of water, a working torch, a small first aid kit, and maybe even a portable radio. If such a terrible distaster befalls us and we are not immediately injured so badly we cannot move, there is a chance, just a chance we can reach the water, the food, the torch, even the first aid kit and radio.

At least we can survive a short while, hopefully till the rescuers get to us. We can hopefully listen to reports on the radio, even turn it up loud when we hear voices near to us.

Please God in my small world, please dont let anything like this happen to those I love and hold dear. Thats all I can do,hope, pray to keep us all safe and prepare, just in case!


he of the two different colour eyes